Edge Evo thread(Settings)

Discussion in 'Engine & Performance' started by backwoodscountryman, Dec 6, 2010.

  1. backwoodscountryman

    backwoodscountryman Broken Truck Edition

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    Nov 29, 2010
    With shift points etc.. the lower you go the more "economical" your truck will be when you go in the higher numbers the more performance oriented it will be.

    I've got my shift firmness at +7 all around and set my 3-4 shift a little lower, so that it kicks into o/d sooner when i'm cruising around town.
    I've been getting 15mpg w/o too much trouble, and know I can get 16 if I tried. A lot has to do with driving style.

    See this is another thing I find laughable(not knocking on you personally FSU FX4, speaking more from a marketing standpoint). There is virtually no power to be had with a tune on 87 octane. The only thing that can be done for any performance feel is lean the stock pig rich fuel trims out and firm up shift points. The only timing that can be added is very minimal with 87.

    Ya i have no idea on what you just said,lol.
    "The only thing that can be done for any performance feel is lean the stock pig rich fuel trims out and firm up shift points. The only timing that can be added is very minimal with 87" Can you explain what all that means?This is what i am talking about for those of us who dont know much about this kinda stuff But who wants to learn about it

    As the truck comes from the factory, the tunes that come with them are VERY safe. There is a ratio called the air/fuel ratio that is based off a concept in chemistry called stoichiometry. When you are just cruising around driving normal the ratio will read 14.7. This is a perfect ratio for a gas motor. However, when you go full throttle, more fuel is added and the ratio changes.

    Basically the higher the stoichiometric number, the leaner(hass more air and less fuel) the motor will run. The factory makes the tune so that at full throttle the A/F ratio is rich, meaning a lot of fuel added. Iv seen readings as low as 10.5 for a stock tune. That is PIG rich.

    tuning your car in the fuel trims to get your wide open throttle A/F ratio around 12.5-13 is optimal for a naturally aspired motor. It provides some of the best, safe fuel trims for performance; it also saves some gas.

    You get these numbers from measuring your exhaust gas with a wideband A/F meter. DO NOT GET THIS CONFUSED WITH THOSE POS NARROW BAND GAUGES RICERS USE TO LOOK COOL! THOSE DO NOTHING.

    So to recap Ch.1:
    your A/F ratio is a stoichiometric relationship where the higher the number the leaner the motor, and vise versa.

    14.7= cruising A/F ratio, always unless your front o2 sensors are bad*

    Now, to address the timing:

    87, 89, 91, 93 octane gases are not just distinguished by the different added detergents. The fundamental difference between them is whats called their heating value. the higher the octane, the higher the heating value for that gas. This higher heating value means that the gas takes longer to completely burn. Consequently, it also has more internal energy to yield from the combustion.

    when you increase the timing, you fire a spark sooner. This is good for 93 octane because it has longer to burn before its fully compressed in the engine. When you increase the timing to much on an 87 octane fuel, the fuel is burnt to fast and a condition called detonation occurs. FYI, detonation, just like it sounds, is not good.

    87 octane does not posses enough internal energy to utilize more than 2-3* of advanced timing without starting to detonate. So the fact that a company calls an 87 octane tune "performance" is basically a lie. LOL

    Ch 2 Summary:

    Octane rating tells you in a nutshell how much timing can be added.

    To much timing= boom
  2. backwoodscountryman

    backwoodscountryman Broken Truck Edition

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    Nov 29, 2010
    Are you sure that 93 octane rated gas takes longer to burn?? Because my uncle is a petroleum engineer and he said that part of the advantage of higher octane rating is that the fuel burns more instantaneous and quicker and burning quicker also means that it won't heat up your engine as fast because its not detonating in as long of a time frame.

    But to help contribute to the thread and give some settings to people new to the tuner, here is what I've been running and I would love for anyone who knows more about tuning than I to improve upon it. And this adds a great deal of difference with my taller tires!

    Performance Tune (Level 3) 93 Octane Only
    WOT Shift: 1st-2nd 5300; 2nd-3rd 5300; 3rd-4th 5000
    WOT Fuel: 1.8
    Timeing: 1.5
    Shift Firmness: 12-all
    Rev Limiter: 5450
    Standard Lock Points: 3rd -4; 4th -6
    Tires: <Insert your tire Circumference here>
    Gear Ratio: <Insert your gear ratio here>

    Higher octane requires more time to burn to release all its energy. It burns slightly slower.

    EDIT: Ill elaborate:

    Higher octane has more chemical bonds, so it takes longer for those bonds to break

    I do recall him saying there were more bonds, but he said something about these bonds breaking apart in a more even manner and not sporadic like lower octane fuels.
  3. backwoodscountryman

    backwoodscountryman Broken Truck Edition

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    Nov 29, 2010
    I'm curious... does the Edge Evo really improve gas mileage, or primarily performance. Ever since I leveled my truck and added 305 tires, it kind of kicked my MPG in the butt! I was getting 14-15 MPG (in town) and now I'm 11-12 MPG. I did install an after market exhaust, which improved my MPG a little, but I'm looking for any other options that will help improve my overall MPG. I am also considering a CAI, but would like to try the Evo first, if it indeeds provides results.

    Thats basically all you need to do. Take a few hours of time and play with setting. Just make sure you have 93 in the tank if you bump timing.

    I have started some playing with the settings.

    Let me ask ya this.The Evo does have the MPH viewing.Should i go off that since its hooked into my trucks port?My speedo is still off abit even tho i did change the settings to account for my bigger tires.

    N was it ok that i filled up with 93 at half a tank,then just filled up yesterday with 87 mixing the two gasolines together and ran it on performance and towing?

    I would not start adding a lot of timing until your on purely 93. if it was an exact 50/50 mix(which it likely was not) you would be at an average of the 2 basically octane wise.

    The Tuner SHOULD be reporting the exact same value as the speedo, both the gauge cluster and the tuner are getting the same data from your PCM for velocity calculations. If your speedo is off, you need to have the stepper motor checked out in the cluster.

    As far as playing with timing goes though, you can slowly add some timing and see if you hear pinging or get a knock code. What are the available setting for timing? Let me know and ill cook up some good setting placements for you.

    i just messed with my timing today on level one with 87 octane in it i raised my timing .5... truck seamed to run smoother no pinging or any other noises actually think it might have stoped some other noises that i thought was my cats going out im not real sure now! Trying to figure out now if i want to keep messing with it or just leave it alone from what iv seen on here i probably wont get much more out of the lower octane!
  4. backwoodscountryman

    backwoodscountryman Broken Truck Edition

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    Nov 29, 2010
    Here are all my settings right now.
    Transmition/economy and Tow performance program)All are the same as follows
    WOT STD shift Conversion lock points Rev limiter
    1-2:5000 1-2:0 1:lock 5400
    2-3:5000 2-3:0 2:lock
    3-4:4900 3-4:0 3:lock Shift Firmness
    2-1:0 4:lock 1-2:0
    3-2:0 1:unlock 2-3:0
    4-3:0 2:unlock 3-4:0
    3:unlock Timing WOT Fuel
    4:unlock 0.00 1.30
    Idle RPM for all 3 settings

    Performance tune-All the same exept for two
    Rev limiter WOT Fuel
    5600 1.50

    did some very mild changes to level 2 when i first put it in, i am thinking about making it more "aggressive" though. this is a screenshot of my excel file. is there a way to upload the actual file, so people can download it and record their own changes?

    btw, the factory had my gear ratio off in the computer

    Attached Files:

  5. backwoodscountryman

    backwoodscountryman Broken Truck Edition

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    Nov 29, 2010
    Im referring to differential in terms of how something is changing(percent vs Degrees). I imagine your limited to about 10-15% total timing increase(every tuner iv seen that uses ∆% for timing is fairly limited). You could likely crank that bad boy all the way up on 91 octane and not have any knock or pinging at all.

    Ahh ok.Gotcha.Yes the Evo settings for the timing are in Percents.N right now it reads 0.00% for the timing.If that tells you anything?lol.

    How much you think i should crank the timing up for my Tow performance?I will not go back to 91octane gas till next year spring time.So for the time being am staying with low gas which is 87octane.

    Will tell ya one thing.In the tow performance setting i have noticed better fuel economy.Ona weekly basis i drive to my friends house who is about 2 hours away.Before the tuner i would use just over a quarter tank of gas to get there.Did the drive yesterday,drove the same way i always do,and used just under a quarter tank.Of course all this is cruise control going 68mph.

    edited my previous post that you quoted me on here. You can see my settings for my car, but again its on a 4.6L 2v not a 3v 5.4L.

    On 87, you can add 2* of timing and still have room left for knock safety. Adding more than 2* is not a good idea.
  6. backwoodscountryman

    backwoodscountryman Broken Truck Edition

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    Nov 29, 2010
    I haven't messed with the timing at all, mostly just shift firmness and shift points. The shift firmness is at +7 for all 3, which is a nice kick in the pants. WOT Shift rpm is:
    1-2: 5400
    2-3: 5400
    3-4: 5000
    Max RPM: 6000.
    Max MPH: 135

    put the Edge CS in my truck a couple of weeks ago. Put it on "Tow" and enjoyed the difference while pulling my trailer. This morning after reading all this, I decided to go out and play around with my Edge a bit since I have been gone away for a few days. Am I crazy or do I not have all these setting that you guys are talking about?? I can't find anything in my menu that would give me the options that you guys are talking about. The box and everything is at my trailer so cant use that for refernce. Please give me a direction to go in here.lol..l Thanks guys
  7. backwoodscountryman

    backwoodscountryman Broken Truck Edition

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    Nov 29, 2010
    Ok Ive been holding off on commenting on this thread, since I've only had my F150 for 2 months. I was all about tuning my F250 before which was Diesel. So im still new to the gas tuning. So feel free to comment on my stats.

    89 Tow Tune
    Shift Firmness: 12 for all gears
    Standard Shift Points: Same
    Torque Converter Standard Lock Points: -4 for 4th gear, -2 for 3rd gear
    WOT Shift: 1-2:5300 2-3:5300 3-4:5000
    WOT Fuel: 1.35
    Timing: .5
    Rev Limit: 5450

    - Overall shift performance is tight. Hits every gear with a firm but smooth shift. Torque Converter unlocks quicker
    while accelerating. Still have problem with kicking too hard into gear while slowing to a stop then accelerating again.
    - MPG: Before running Edge stock level 2: 13.3mpg.
    Running modified Edge Level 2: 15.0mpg after.

    Performance Tune (Level 3) 93 Octane Only
    WOT Shift: 1st-2nd 5300; 2nd-3rd 5300; 3rd-4th 5000
    WOT Fuel: 1.8
    Timeing: 1.5
    Shift Firmness: 12-all
    Rev Limiter: 5450
    Standard Lock Points: 3rd -4; 4th -6
    Tire Size: 2776mm
    Gear 3.55

    Obviously change your tire size by using the calculations in your Evo instructions as well as your gear size.

    Overall have been very happy with the 89 Tune have been running it for 2 weeks and noticed a huge increase in fuel mileage all hand calculated as well before anyone asks.

    The performance tune I have not had time to run a full tank of fuel on so I dont want to get to in too detail as to what i think of it so far. But I think it could be improved a little more.

    Open to suggestions or improvements.
  8. backwoodscountryman

    backwoodscountryman Broken Truck Edition

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    Nov 29, 2010
    I used this tune but modified it slightly
    Shift Firmness: 20 for all gears
    Timing: 1.0

    I was averaging 15.5 mpg using the out of the box tow tune. From what my display says I'm at 16.5 now. I did this at a half tank, so let me run this a bit before I give you the actual measure of MPG's. I use 89 octane only.

    You dont have enough timing adjustment/mods to use racegas. Unless ur running boost or a hefty N/A setup or nitrous, its money wasted

    here are my settings as of now

    91 tune -
    torque converter settings at max positive values
    timing= +1.00
    firmness= 12-12-0
    rev limiter 5700
    shift points= 1-2 5250 2-3 5400 3-4 5000

    ^^^those same settings with stock lvl 3 91 timing and only 1.3 WOT i put down 225hp and 250Ftlbs to the wheels. now with the timing advance i can fell a increase it the seat of pants dyno so i need to re dyno
  9. backwoodscountryman

    backwoodscountryman Broken Truck Edition

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    Nov 29, 2010
    Adjusting timing is brutally simple, and more times than not is just time consuming. Timing adjustments are where you get the majority of your power gains. You can sneak out some power with the fuel settings, but more times than not fuel is used as your safety factor.

    My friend did exactly what you just said and he cracked a piston. On top of it, he's a mechanic, maybe a hard headed one cause i told him not too do that.

    I know what you are saying makes sense, but his motor didn't ping until there was blow by coming out of the valve cover breather

    this was a 347 stroker out of a fox body mustang and not a modular motor, but same concept

    Timing on a distributer is not really the same thing as going in through the computer. It is a lot more controlled via the computer. I would expect a mechanic to realize the differences.

    Current 89 Tow Tune which im running

    89 Tow Tune
    Shift Firmness: 16 for all gears
    Standard Shift Points: Same
    Torque Converter Standard Lock Points: -4 for 4th gear, -2 for 3rd gear
    WOT Shift: 1-2:5350 2-3:5350 3-4:5100
    WOT Fuel: 1.5
    Timing: 1.0
    Rev Limit: 5550

    Note: Only seeing the 16.5-17mpg while keeping an average speed below 55mph. Anything over drops to about 15.5mpg
  10. backwoodscountryman

    backwoodscountryman Broken Truck Edition

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    Nov 29, 2010
    Hey, who has adjusted their speedometer through the edge? I just went from 245/70R17 to 265/70R17 and wasn't able to fix my speedo. It's reading 1.5mph slower than it should at 60mph. I adjust tire size from 1900mm to 2800mm and couldn't get anything to happen

    ak_cowboy, my evo manuals says you should be using 2521mm instead 2800mm

    Yea, That's what I started with It was still reading too fast, so I tried 2800mm and it read faster, so now I've got it at 1800mm and still don't have it My speedometer is reading slow (shows 60 when i'm at 62), and my odometer shows me traveling 0.9 miles for every real mile...

    well hell. I guess I would start with that 2521mm and start subtracting 150mm till I reached the correct speed.

    Also remember the mechanical speedo has a +/- 3mph

    I wouldn't change any of the standard settings till you run a couple tanks on level 3 and see the difference. I run my shift firmness at +7 for all 3 shifts, though some guys run up to +12.
    I've advanced my timing to 1.5 and it seems to be running stronger, but I haven't had it long enough to notice any mpg gain.

    Ok thanks, I'll run a couple tanks and try it out. When you adjust the shift firmness will it make the transmission shift hard and give a slight jerk or what? I also have a CAI and exhaust on mine. By changing the timing, it will not damage anything will it? I have read that people have experienced a slight knocking when they adjusted the timing. And is there anyway to turn the torque control off or lower it? I want to lay some drag when I stomp the gas. And i'm having trouble doing that now when i'm pushing 35's.

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